Aerogen devices are highly efficient vibrating mesh aerosol drug delivery systems which can be used inline during any type of respiratory support including mechanical ventilation, high frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV), non-invasive ventilation (NIV), continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and High Flow Nasal Cannula (HFNC)1-4, 7, 20, 23.

Figure 1: Comparison of drug deposition after aerosol therapy through a ventilation circuit with standard small volume nebulisers, ultrasonic and the Aerogen Solo. The position of the nebuliser tested included: at the wye and before the humidifier (closer to the ventilator). In this paediatric model of mechanical ventilation with bias flow the Aerogen Solo outperforms both small volume nebulisers in both positions in the ventilator circuit. *p<0.001. Adapted from 2.
The Aerogen Solo utilises active vibrating mesh technology, where energy applied to the vibrational element, causes vibration of each of the 1000 funnel shaped apertures within the mesh. The mesh acts as a micropump drawing liquid through the holes producing a low velocity aerosol optimised for targeted drug delivery to the lungs.
The Aerogen device can deliver 9 times more aerosol dose compared to standard small volume- nebuliser during mechanical ventilation2, and outperforms all standard small volume nebulisers when positioned at both the wye (proximal to the patients in the inspiratory limb) and before the humidifier2 (Figure 1).
While the Ultrasonic nebuliser efficiency is comparable to the Aerogen Solo at the Y, there are many limitations with the device which include an inability to aerosolise viscous solutions, heat generation which can degrade some solutions and large residual volumes21. Furthermore, the use of ultrasonic nebulisers is now minimal in the hospitals.

Figure 2: – Lung Scintigraphy images of a ventilated infant animal model after inhalation of radiolabelled aerosol using either a small volume nebuliser or the Aerogen Pro. The Aerogen Pro delivered a significantly greater lung dose than the small volume nebuliser. Adapted from 13.
This difference in aerosol deposition related to positioning was originally studied by Ari et al. and demonstrated improved deposition when the Aerogen Solo was placed before the humidifier compared to at the wye with both adult and paediatric settings when utilising a bias flow1; without bias flow improved aerosol deposition was noted when the nebuliser was positioned closer to the patient22.
Physiological lung dose was studied in an infant animal model, where quantification of radiolabelled aerosol was measured after inhalation through a ventilator circuit, tested with both a small volume nebuliser and the Aerogen Pro.
The Aerogen Pro demonstrated a 25-fold higher deposition of aerosol in the lungs compared to a standard small volume nebuliser13.
The Aerogen Pro achieved a lung dose of 13% and the difference in aerosol deposition between the two systems can be clearly observed in the scintigraphy pictures below (Figure 2)13.
The superior drug deposition available with Aerogen is associated with the minimal residual volume left in the device after nebulisation. Standard small volume nebulisers on average leave up to half of the drug behind which can be quite costly when using more expensive drugs24. Dubus et al. observed that the standard small volume nebuliser has a residual volume of 1.1 mL after nebulisation of 3-mL of solution. In contrast the Aerogen Pro had a residual volume of 0.1 mL after 0.5-mL13.
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