Understanding Cervical Cancer

: 16-Jun-2024     : Ruchi Sanghavi, Executive Domestic Marketing     Source : Ami Polymer Pvt Ltd

A malignant tumor that originates in the cervix, the area of the uterus below the vagina, is known as cervical cancer. It is mainly brought on by a prolonged infection with sexually transmitted high-risk strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV).

What is Cervical Cancer?

Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that occurs when abnormal cells grow in the cervix, the lower part of a woman’s uterus. It is one of the more prevalent cancers among women, but if detected early, it can be prevented or effectively treated.

What Causes Cervical Cancer?

  1. Certain types of human papillomavirus (HPV), mainly spread through sexual contact, can lead to cervical cancer if the infection persists.
  2. Smoking can heighten the chances of developing cervical cancer.
  3. Individuals with weakened immune systems are at a higher risk of cervical cancer.
  4. Starting sexual activity early in life can increase the risk.
  5. Having multiple sexual partners or a history of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can also raise the risk of HPV infection and, consequently, cervical cancer.

Symptoms of Cervical Cancer

  1. Unusual vaginal bleeding, like bleeding between periods, after sex, or post-menopause.
  2. Pelvic pain unrelated to menstrual cycles or intercourse.
  3. Discomfort during sex.
  4. Abnormal vaginal discharge, which might be watery, bloody, or have a bad smell.
  5. Changes in menstrual patterns, such as heavier or prolonged periods.
  6. Lower back or pelvic discomfort or pain.

Preventing Cervical Cancer

  1. Being vaccinated against high-risk types of human papillomavirus (HPV) can greatly decrease the likelihood of developing cervical cancer.
  2. Regular Pap smears or cervical screening tests can detect any abnormal cervical changes early, allowing for prompt treatment.
  3. Practicing safe sex by using condoms can lower the risk of HPV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) associated with cervical cancer.
  4. Quitting smoking or avoiding exposure to second-hand smoke is crucial since smoking increases the risk of cervical cancer.
  5. Limiting sexual partners can reduce the chances of HPV exposure and subsequent cervical cancer.
  6. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and a healthy weight, supports overall well-being and lowers the risk of cancer.


Cervical cancer can be avoided by being vaccinated, undergoing regular screenings, and making healthy lifestyle decisions. Early detection and proactive healthcare are vital for women’s health. Collaborative actions to spread awareness and implement preventive measures play a crucial role in effectively fighting against this disease.

Author – Ruchi Sanghavi


Domestic Marketing
