Asclepius anatomy tables unveiled for virtual anatomy exploration at Medicall Chennai last week. Mr. Vishu, Business Development Director for TAIWAN MAIN ORTHOPAEDIC BIOTECHNOLOGY Co. Ltd. Taiwan, showcased Asclepius – Virtual Dissection Table equipped with life size male and female human cadaver with 100% annotation for the human body parts to facilitate advanced learning for the students. The Virtual Dissection Table comes with Radiological Viewer and Histopathology software package as well to provide a comparative study for the students as well.
Unimeditrek Pvt ltd is Ghaziabad based indigenous manufacturer of World Class Histopathology and Laboratory Equipment is going to present Surglasses Asclepius as exclusive partner in India.
“Faculty can demonstrate anatomy that they are teaching in class and highlight specific areas such as vasculature, bones, and organs very easily. The table may be used in person, or students can also learn remotely while the faculty are teaching at the table. Additionally, faculty can add pathologies to the cadaver, so that students gain a better understanding of what medical conditions may look like in a human body. Faculty can incorporate case studies, labeling, quizzes and supplemental instruction for student as well as for patients too.
— Animesh Arora, Director- Unimeditrek Pvt Ltd
About Unimeditrek Pvt Ltd:
It is indeed our pleasure and privilege to Introduce Unimeditrek Pvt. Ltd. as an indigenous manufacturer of World Class Equipment. We are an established Manufacturing House dealing in specialized Lab Equipment. All our products are manufactured in Collaboration with German Company using the finest durable material and component. Unimeditrek Pvt. Ltd. equipment is build to last which symbolizes state of art engineering. Our products are ISO 9001; Certified and European CE marked as a mark of International acceptability in terms of quality workmanship and performance. We have a team of qualified and technically sound people to undertake the job up to entire satisfaction of authorities concerned.