SEFAM has a complete Sleep Apnea solution, from Polygraph, Polysomnograph to Treatment devices

: 13-Feb-2023     : Kumar Jeetendra     Source : Microbioz Health

Microbioz India Healthcare Edition is pleased to share an exclusive interview with Dr. Devang Africawala, Global Manager | Ventilation Range & Business Director| Indian Sub-Continent. Currently he is engaged in development of respiratory devices at Sefam based in France, as well as directing the business of Sefam in Indian Sub-continent.

Here I am sharing an interesting insight into my interactions with  Dr. Devang Africawala.

 Can you tell me a little about yourself?

I have been working in the field of Respiratory & Sleep as well as Interventional Cardiology since 1999. I have worked in India as a Managing Director of Indus Breath Life and in Asia and EU as a consultant for French, Italian, German and American companies, in the field of Respiratory devices. I have worked with most of the major Respiratory companies (Ventilation devices) and companies like Medtronic and St. Jude for Cardiology products like Cardiac Stents, Cardiac Resynchronisation devices- Implantable Pacemaker, Defibrillator etc. I have been pioneering in telemonitoring in India – tele-cardiology, external loop recorder, tele-ECG, and tele-NST/CTG (Non-Stress Test of Foetal heart rate and Cardiotocograph) etc.

How can SEFAM Devices be used to treat Sleep Apnea?

Enabling tools for Personalized Medicine Concept in the management of OSA with, SEFAM Access and SEFAM access Pro app, SEFAM Analyse software for PAP usage analysis, and SEFAM Connect Telemonitoring platform. First and only Integrated Polygraphy module with S.Box devices and also upcoming devices, for verifying the treatment efficacy and residual events more precisely under controlled environment of PAP treatment.=

The integrated polygraphy tool is very useful especially for the patients of OSA having or likely to have Congestive heart failure or other Cardiovascular comorbidity.

What have the SEFAM’s accomplishments been in the last five years?

SEFAM is more than 35 years old company, an innovator of CPAP technology, external modem for transferring data to telemonitoring plat form called SEFAM Connect, first of its kind PAP device platform called S.Box, which has integrated GSM or Wifi Modem as well as Polygraphy module called PolyLink.

There are many other innovative devices in the pipeline for coming time. SEFAM has a complete solution for diagnosis of Sleep Apnea, from Polygraph device Level 3 to Polysomnograph

Level 1. SEFAM is currently selling in more than 65 countries. 

SEFAM’s sleep apnea devices are specifically designed to maximize patient comfort and compliance. Could you please shine a light on it?

SEFAM has patented algorithms incorporated in APAP devices e.g. Cardiac Oscillation detection for segregating Central apnea from Obstructive apnea, detecting very difficult Central Hypopnea, an algorithm for treating flow limitations, Pressure Limiting algorithm for max pressure delivery to treat Obstructive Sleep component separated from other events, Intelligent Ramp – unlike confusing Time ramp which ensures the therapy onset immediately upon detection of first event of sleep apnea, Comfort calibration algorithm for enhanced comfort during exhalation and inhalation phase.

All these advanced and patented algorithms ensure unmatched comfort and hence better compliance, against other competitors.

Could you brief some recent innovation and product developed by SEFAM Devices for easy and comfortable home respiratory care?

S.Box devices, with connected Apps for patients and physicians (for BiLevel device only currently ) called SEFAM Access and SEFAM Access pro respectively, option for connecting devices like Blood Pressure monitoring, Weighing scale, Activity tracker etc to monitor comorbidites and also engage patients in monitoring of their treatment evolution and get motivated for maximum usage of the device, in order to have positive and long term impact on their overall health and comorbidities. It is well proven that patient engagement with such tool increases adherence and compliance of CPAP use, and significantly lowers the dropout ratio from 6 months to long term.

What do you think about the COVID-19 situation (pandemic) in the medical device industry? Has it provided an opportunity for SEFAM Devices to showcase its importance?

There has been a larger acceptance and need for telemonitoring has raised during and after pandemic. Medical fraternity has understood the real advantage of remote monitoring and more effective management of their OSA patients, not only that but also it has enabled them to remain in contact of their patient’s lifetime.

In the past after the prescription of PAP device, there was no contact further by and large, and it was impossible to know compliance with the PAP device and wellbeing of the patient, unless patient would turn back for follow-up. Remote Monitoring of comorbidities along with CPAP compliance gives very clear view of the overall health of the patients and helps in providing more personalized treatment.

It has helped the patients in having the trust in the treatment gaining better compliance and hence getting better results, as they are being monitored by their treating physician, their family physician and/or the homecare provider they chose to buy the device from.

What are the primary goals you hope to achieve in the next three years?

Be the most preferred device company and achieve 30-35% of market share in Indian subcontinent.

For more information:

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Customer Service | France

T: +33 (0)3 83 44 85 50


About Sefam:

Since it was founded in 1982, the Nancy-based French company Sefam has been designing, manufacturing, and commercializing diagnostic and therapy devices for Sleep disordered Expertise: Proud of our history and our 30 years of experience, we put all our expertise at the service of our patients. We are constantly looking to improve our solutions, to create even more accurate and personalized cutting-edge technology. Sefam places a great deal of importance on feedback from customers, doctors, distributors and home healthcare providers, because only by working together the perfect solutions can be derived to achieve a common goal: to improve the health of patients. The Medical Advisory Board, guides Sefam. Thus, the products and services are inspired by doctors and researchers. Sefam has all the necessary quality certifications (ISO 9001, EN 13485, FDA, etc.) demonstrating quality and safety of our devices.

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